Spring is coming and you want a motorcycle.  You need a M1 license and insurance.  One of my prior articles discussed getting a license and when to buy motorcycle insurance.

When I first started riding a motorcycle I was told there are two kinds of motorcycle riders, one who has been down on their bike and the other who will go down on their bike.

Well, as you can imagin, that didn’t go well with me.  But, the point was well taken.  Yes, I eventually did go down and so will you.  I’m not trying to make you paranoid, but you need to be cautious and aware.  Remember, your only on 2 wheels.

Statistics show 95% of the time it’s the other person’s fault in an accident when a motorcyclist is involved.  Again, that means watch out for the other drivers and be aware. 

Should you have medical coverage on your motorcycle policy?


Don’t exclude this coverage, it is a must. 

If you have any questions or concerns contact your agent or this author.